Water Use and Discharge

An innovative and sustainable mining

Our sustainable development strategy aims at mining based on innovative practices to advance in the areas of climate change, natural resources and responsible production. Conserving the environment is essential for us for the continuity of business and ensuring access to natural resources for future generations.

To this end, we seek to rationally extract the mineral resources necessary for our operation and work to continuously reduce the impact of our activities on the environment, with a focus on reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, on water efficiency and on impacts on the biodiversity.

Water Use and Discharge

Responsible water management is a priority for Nexa’s sustainability strategy, which is reflected in our high water recirculation rates.

Our Sustainability Master Plan, responsible for the necessary guidelines to ensure the conscious use of this resource, establishes objectives to achieve water management efficiency. Currently, our recirculation rate is above the industry average and has been steadily increasing. In 2021, we achieved a recirculation rate of 84% in our operations globally, 2 percentage points above the previous year.

Furthermore, our actions also ensure efficiency in water management and water conservation for communities.

Management in Brazil

We are under environmental regulations related to water resources, caves, waste management, contaminated areas, permanent preservation and conservation of protected areas, among others, in the Brazilian territory.

All activities that interfere in any way in protected areas have a regularization process in progress, as well as the implementation of strict controls on local impacts.

Management in Peru

Mineral resources are the property of the Nation and the government establishes the conditions for granting exploration rights by law on Peruvian lands. All activities carried out in the country comply with environmental requirements related to the use of water, forest resources and protected natural areas.

Get to know our initiatives

To improve the sustainable management of water resources and strengthen our commitments to Nexa’s ESG Strategy, we have several initiatives underway in Brazil and Peru, including:

Desalination Plant in Cerro Lindo/Peru

Desalination Plant in Cerro Lindo/Peru

Cerro Lindo is one of the examples of a high rate of water recirculation (about 90%), where all the resource used comes from recirculation or the sea. The operation has a desalination plant, which extracts salt by reverse osmosis and pumps it to the plant, at an altitude of 2,200 meters. In an area marked by the shortage of water resources, this technology is important to avoid competing with the population in the demand for water.

People taking care of water

People taking care of water

Project that combines the fencing of water spring areas and footpaths in the Santa Catarina River Basin with community and school environmental education, in the municipality of Vazante (MG). Monitoring of the river is maintained by Nexa for the continuous understanding of the water dynamics and support for studies, such as the one developed by the São Paulo Institute of Technological Research (IPT) on the impacts of the drying up of a stretch of the river in the region.

Started in 2018, the action involves an area of 50,000 hectares, with 134 springs, and has up to five years for its full implementation. In all, we have already protected 110 springs, with the construction of 62,049 meters of fences.

Our aspiration

Meet, control and optimize production processes related to the specific water consumption at Nexa, increasing recirculation, reducing fresh water consumption and improving the quality of discarded water.

2030 Commitment (*) 

  • 10% reduction of specific consumption of water in the mining (from 1.68 m³/ton of ROM (**) to 1.51 m³/ton of ROM) and metallurgy units (from 24.01 m³/ton of metal to 21.61 m³/ton of metal).

(*) The Aripuanã unit was not considered in the planning baseline of the goal presented, however it is included in the reduction commitment.

(**) Run-of-mine: crude ore, extracted directly from the mine without undergoing any kind of processing.

Check our indicators

Interactions with water as a shared resource
Correlated indicators
GRI Dimension:
GRI Code:

Our Sustainability Master Plan, responsible for the guidelines necessary to ensure the conscientious use of this resource, establishes objectives for continuous improvement in the reduction of water use in all our operations. Among them, since 2020 we have already achieved the target set for 2025, which was a percentage of 75% recirculation. In 2021, we reached a recirculation rate of 84%, two percentage points above the previous year.

Management of water discharge-related impacts
Correlated indicators
GRI Dimension:
GRI Code:

Our Sustainability Master Plan, responsible for the guidelines necessary to ensure the conscientious use of this resource, establishes objectives for continuous improvement in the reduction of water use in all our operations. Among them, since 2020 we have already achieved the target set for 2025, which was a percentage of 75% recirculation. In 2021, we reached a recirculation rate of 84%, two percentage points above the previous year.

Water withdrawal
Correlated indicators
GRI Dimension:
GRI Code:
Sector SASB:
Mining and Metals
SASB Dimension:
Water Management
SASB Code:
EM-MM 140 a.1
Water withdrawal by source (megalitres)¹
2019 2020 2021
Total Total Total In area of water scarcity
In area without water scarcity
Surface water² 16.849,30 17.208,64 16.947,47 16.947,47
Fresh water 9.852,53
Another water 7.356,11 16.947,47 16.947,47
Ground Water4 122.053,18 119.982,84 94.253,41 94.253,41
Fresh water5 5.080,02
Another water 114.902,81 94.253,41 94.253,41
Rainwater5 5.249,03 5.595,68 7.159,51 7.159,51
Fresh water 2.659,73
Another water 2.935,94 7.159,51 7.159,51
Seawater 3.646,73 2.909,73 3.372,91 3.372,91
Fresh water
Another water 2.909,73 3.372,91 3.372,91
Produced water6 1.003,37 682,13 231,90 231,90
Fresh water 569,00
Another water 113,13 231,90 231,90
Third party water7 19,01 17,78 21,56 21,56
Fresh water
Another water 17,78 21,56 21,56
Total discarded
withdrawn and used
148.820,65 146.396,81 121.986,75 121.986,75
Fresh water 18.161,29
Another water 128.235,51 121.986,75 121.986,75


¹ Megaliter = 1 thousand m3
² Surface water: rivers, streams and lakes.
³ Fresh water corresponds to (≤1,000 mg/L total dissolved solids) and Other water to (> 1,000 mg/L total dissolved solids).
4 Groundwater: groundwater, wells and mine lowering.
5 Rainwater: rainwater collected and stored directly by the organization.
6 Produced water: water contained in ores and concentrates.
7 Third-party water: provided by utilities and suppliers.


Water disposal
Correlated indicators
GRI Dimension:
GRI Code:
Water Disposal (in megaliters)¹
2019 2020 2021
Total Total Total In area of water scarcity
In area without water scarcity
Surface water² 128.413,37 128.089,84 113.945,49 113.945,49
Fresh water 108.665,37 8.602,94 8.602,94
Another water 19.424,47 105.342,55 105.342,55
Ground Water4 1.106,19 3.973,63 3.704,57 3.704,57
Fresh water 3.488,83
Another water 484,79 3.704,57 3.704,57
Seawater 2.345,14 1.882,25 2.097,73 2.097,73
Fresh water
Another water 1.882,25  2.097,73  2.097,73
740,22 608,64 19,72 19,72
Fresh water 15,62 15,62
Another water 608,64 4,10 4,10
Água retida6 1.330,40 2.141,54 1.952,70 1.952,70
Fresh water 520,14 12,00 12,00
Another water 1.621,40 1.940,70 1.940,70
Other7 9.271,53 9.620,89 8.764,76 8.764,76
Fresh water 683,64 1.350,70 1.350,70
Another water 8.937,25 7.414,06 7.414,06
Total discarded
146.206,87 146.316,79 130.484,96 130.484,96
Fresh water 113.357,99 9.981,26 9.981,26
Another water 32.958,80 120.503,70 120.503,70


¹ Megaliter = 1 thousand m3.

² Surface water: rivers, streams and lakes.

³Fresh water corresponds to (≤1,000 mg/L total dissolved solids) and Other water to (> 1,000 mg/L total dissolved solids).

4 Groundwater: groundwater, wells and mine lowering.

5 Outsourced treatment: concessionaires, government and others.

6 Retained water: in products and/or waste.

7 Others: examples: evaporation, losses, effluents supplied to third parties, etc.

Our contribution to the SDGs

SDGs related to the topic:


In 2017, we signed a commitment to the global agenda consisting of 17 goals and 169 targets to be achieved by 2030.

SDGs related to the topic

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Circular Economy and Waste

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Dams Management

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Climate Change

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Biodiversity and Land Use

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