Total number of operations located in or adjacent to indigenous peoples' territories
2019 2020 2021 2022  2023
Total number of operations located in or adjacent to indigenous peoples' territories 0 1 4 4 5
Comments No Nexa operations are located on indigenous or adjacent lands Only the Aripuanã is in a region adjacent to indigenous lands. The unit has formal agreements with adjacent indigenous communities. Our operation is more than 10 km from the Indigenous Lands of the Cinta Larga and Arara do Rio Branco peoples, and Cerro Lindo, Atacocha and El Porvenir, in Peru, which are close to Quechua populations, which recognition is recent and subsequent to our operations. Como em 2021, temos 4 operações próximas às comunidades indígenas. Essas comunidades peruanas são atores identificados em nossas estratégias de relacionamento social. Em alguns casos, possuem a propriedade da terra de superfície em que realizamos atividades e, portanto, possuem contrapartida em diversos acordos e contratos, nos quais tal qualificação não tem impacto. Our operation in Aripuanã (MT) is located about 10 kilometers from the indigenous lands of the Cinta Larga and Arara do Rio Branco peoples. The Cerro Lindo, Atacocha, and El Porvenir operations in Peru are near Quechua populations, whose recognition as a peasant community is recent and postdates our operations.