Scale of the organization
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Number of own employees (not including trainees and apprentices) 5.760 5.349 5.840 5.624 5.770
Number of permanent service providers N/A 7.136 7.662 8.596 8.784
Number of temporary service providers N/A 5.088 7.624 3.795 8.946
Total number of service providers 11.470 12.224 15.286 18.015 23.500
Production Brazil (tons of ore processed) 2, 58 million 2,80 million 2,613 million 2,6 milhões 4,2 milhões
Production Peru (tons of ore processed) 10,43 million 8,05 million 9,718 million 9,7 milhões 9,6 milhões


N/A: Data not reported for the period