Among the main advances of the plan in the period is the development of a structured program to support a process of learning and transformation of culture and behavior in Health and Safety. Main initiative of the Master Plan, as it is connected to all other goals, this transformation is based mainly on the adoption of the Global – Mining Industry Risk Management (G-MIRM).
G-MIRM aims to promote significant and lasting changes related to decision making within the company and improvement of risk management. In 2021, we completed the formatting and organization of teaching material for workshops, in addition to providing training on the Security Risk Management Process (PGRS) for senior management professionals.
Em 2022, foi finalizado o mapeamento de eventos indesejados em todas as unidades operacionais e, a partir desse levantamento, serão definidos os controles críticos que serão foco de acompanhamento por parte da liderança para eliminar fatalidades e reduzir a gravidade e o número das ocorrências pessoais. Ao longo do ano, foram realizadas auto avaliações dos Protocolos de Riscos Críticos para avaliar sua aderência. Nesse processo, cada unidade criou um checklist personalizado mostrando como gerencia os riscos e qual é o nível de adesão aos Protocolos de Riscos Críticos.
If you would like to learn more about our occupational health and safety management system, please visit Health, Safety and Well-being.