Water withdrawal

Water withdrawal by source (megalitres)¹
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Total Total Total Total Em área com
In area without water scarcity
Surface water² 16.849,30 17.208,64 16.947,47 16.959,51   34.297,41
Fresh water 9.852,53
Another water 7.356,11 16.947,47 16.959,51 34.297,41
Ground Water4 122.053,18 119.982,84 94.253,41  119.939,28 110.574,03
Fresh water5 5.080,02
Another water 114.902,81 94.253,41  119.939,28 110.574,03
Rainwater5 5.249,03 5.595,68 7.159,51 6.928,69 7.153,08
Fresh water 2.659,73
Another water 2.935,94 7.159,51 6.928,69 7.153,08
Seawater 3.646,73 2.909,73 3.372,91 3.057,82  3.601,66
Fresh water
Another water 2.909,73 3.372,91 3.057,82 3.601,66
Produced water6 1.003,37 682,13 231,90 220,30 262,34
Fresh water 569,00
Another water 113,13 231,90 220,30 262,34
Third party water7 19,01 17,78 21,56 32,35 36,77
Fresh water
Another water 17,78 21,56 32,35 36,77
Total discarded
withdrawn and used
148.820,65 146.396,81 121.986,75 147.137,95 155.925,28
Fresh water 18.161,29
Another water 128.235,51 121.986,75 147.137,95 155.925,28


¹ Megaliter = 1 thousand m3.

² Surface water: rivers, streams and lakes.

³Fresh water corresponds to (≤1,000 mg/L total dissolved solids) and Other water to (> 1,000 mg/L total dissolved solids).

4 Groundwater: groundwater, wells and mine lowering.

5 Rainwater: rainwater collected and stored directly by the organization.

6 Produced water: water contained in ores and concentrates.

7 Third-party water: provided by utilities and suppliers.

Confira nossos números por unidade em 2021 (Dados não fornecidos para 2022):

¹ Megaliter = 1 thousand m3.

² Surface water: rivers, streams and lakes.

³Fresh water corresponds to (≤1,000 mg/L total dissolved solids) and Other water to (> 1,000 mg/L total dissolved solids).

4 Groundwater: groundwater, wells and mine lowering.

5 Rainwater: rainwater collected and stored directly by the organization.

6 Produced water: water contained in ores and concentrates.

7 Third-party water: provided by utilities and suppliers.